Bihar Society Registration

Bihar Society Registration

Bihar Society RegistrationBihar Society Registration- A society is a collection of people who come together for a common purpose, usually to provide a service that does not generate a profit. Societies that are registered under the Bihar Society Registration Act, 1860 are considered legal entities in the state. The Bihar government’s Registrar of Society office is responsible for registering societies. This article will provide a detailed explanation of the Bihar Society Registration process. If you need help registering a society in Bihar, please contact an Meerad Advisor.

The Act of Societies Registration that was implemented in the year 1860.

document that is filed with the registrar of societies. The society must also have a memorandum of association and articles of association, which outline the objectives, rules, and regulations of the society. The registration process must be completed within three months of the formation of the society. As per the Society Registration Act, a group of at least seven people must register if they are working towards a literary, scientific, charitable, or any similar purpose under Section 20 of the Act. The registration involves submitting a document to the registrar of societies that includes the names of all those involved. Moreover, the society must have a memorandum of association and articles of association that detail the aims, policies, and procedures of the society. The entire registration procedure must be completed within 90 days of establishing the society.  The information must be recorded on the relevant registration form when registering the society.

The aim of registering a society is to establish it as a legitimate and recognized entity, and to give it legal recognition. Registration confers a legal personality on the society, meaning that it can own property, enter into contracts, and sue or be sued in its own name. It also adds credibility to the society and can make it easier to obtain funding, open a bank account, and carry out other activities that require legal recognition. In addition, registration helps to ensure that the society operates within the law, and provides a framework for transparent governance and accountability.

The Society Registration Act permits societies to be registered for various reasons.

  • The advancement of science, education, and the humanities, including literature and the fine arts.
  • Diffusion of valuable knowledge.
  • The administration of libraries or reading areas that can be utilized by either members or the general public.
  • Diffusion of political education.
  • Creating and managing spaces that showcase paintings and other forms of art.
  • The creation and upkeeping of museums accessible to the general public.
  • A gathering of scientific and technological innovations, either related to the natural world, mechanics, or philosophy, accompanied by guidelines or blueprints.
  • Promotion of social welfare.

 Memorandum of Association 

The details that will be included in the Memorandum of Association are as follows.

  • The name of the society.
  • The object of the organisation.
  • The information pertaining to the governors’ identity such as their name, current residential location, and profession.
  • The directors’ personal details including name, address, and profession.
  • The board or governing body’s name, physical location, and profession or job title.

It is required to submit a certified copy of the society’s rules and regulations, as approved by the governing body, along with the Memorandum of Association.

 Bye-Laws of Society 

Registration of a society will be refused by the Registrar if its regulations are not included with the MOA. The bye-laws comprise the subsequent details:

  • The composition of the Governing Body.
  • The act of keeping a record of the members and providing access for members to review the record.
  • The manner in which individuals within the Governing Party, including the President, Secretary, and other officials, are selected or dismissed and the procedure for their resignation or removal.
  • The way meetings are conducted for the organization, the minimum number of attendees required, how much advance notice should be provided, the process of voting, and how to vote through a representative when permitted.
  • The maintenance and  audit of accounts.
  • The examination of financial records and the activities that occurred during meetings attended by the individuals in the organization.

 Documents Required 

The application form must be accompanied by the specified documents.

  • The members have properly signed the bye-laws, which also bear the first three members’ seals: the President, General Secretary, and Treasurer.
  • Memorandum of Association.
  • Please provide the address of the executive members and officers, including the village, ward, and house number if applicable.
  • Location of the organization within its operational vicinity.
  • The owner of the house where the office is located needs to provide a written statement of consent on bond paper, which must be signed in the presence of an executive Magistrate.
  • A document confirming an individual’s background and behavior, issued by the Deputy Superintendent of Police of the corresponding locality.

Applicable Charges 

The individual seeking membership in a society located in Bihar can complete the registration process by paying the specified fee.

of Bihar, it is important to understand that Bihar is a state in India that is facing various challenges, such as poverty, illiteracy, and corruption. These challenges have contributed to a lack of development in several areas, but efforts are being made to address them. It is crucial for individuals and organizations to collaborate and work towards solutions that can help improve the situation in Bihar. Rs.25,000
For Society operating within Bihar Rs.15,000
If any changes are to be made to the Memorandum of Association or the Rules and Regulations, they must be done according to the appropriate procedure. Rs.15,000
For a certified copy of any documents. Rs.500 per document.

The process of registering for Bihar Society online.

If you want to apply for Bihar society registration through the internet, then you should adhere to the mentioned instructions.

The first step is to go to the authorized website.

Go to the authorized webpage of the Bihar Registration Department.

 Step 2: Click on e-Services 

Click on  “e-Services” This would be shown on the main page of the website.

 Bihar-Society-Registration-e-Services  Bihar-Society-Registration-e-Services

Step three involves choosing a registration preference.

Step four involves selecting the option for society registration and clicking on it.

Click on “ Click on this link to register your society. ” to register for a society.

 Bihar-Society-Registration-Department  Bihar-Society-Registration-Department

 Step 5: Create a User ID 

The individual seeking admission must generate a novel User ID by inputting mandatory information, for instance:

  • Applicant name
  • Email Address
  • Password
  • Mobile number
 Bihar-Society-Registration-New-User  Bihar-Society-Registration-New-User

Step six involves inputting the received OTP.

“verify” to complete the verification process. “Create User”  button.

Upon completion of step 6, the user will be directed to the login page.

Once the applicant has generated their username and password, they will be sent to the page where they can log in.

 Bihar-Society-Registration-Login-Details  Bihar-Society-Registration-Login-Details

 Step 8: Login into the page 

To access the system, use the credentials provided, which include the applicant’s username and password.

The ninth step involves applying for the registration of a society.

Upon entering the website, an application for registration of the society will appear on the following webpage.

Step number ten involves affixing the necessary papers.

Complete the application form by entering the mandatory information and include the necessary paperwork as attachments.

Perform the payment through the internet by following the 11th step.

Once the individual has completed the registration process for the association, they are required to submit the payment through an online platform in order to move forward with their application.

Step number twelve entails the receipt of an application number.

After the payment has been made, the candidate will be given a number to identify their application.

When the applicant submits their registration for a society, they can check the status of it by using either the application number or the acknowledgement receipt.

 Track Application Status 

To find out the current status of the registered society, one can navigate through the online procedure outlined in the following steps.

 Step 1: Official website 

Go to the authorized website of Bihar Society Registration.

Step 2 involves checking the status of the application.

Click on Check the status of your application.The portal’s homepage features the aforementioned item.

 Step 3: Click on the status 

 Bihar-Society-Registration-Track-Status  Bihar-Society-Registration-Track-Status

Step four is to furnish pertinent information.

Instructed in Step 4 is to select the view option.

Upon inputting the necessary information, proceed to select the option labeled “submit.” View Click on the “button” in order to see the progress of your application.

Concerned Authority

The Registrar from the Registration Department is accountable for the registration of societies according to the Society Registration Act.

Processing Time

The individual who has applied can receive the certification for the registration of the society within a period of 30 business days starting from the date of the application.

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